Business Structure

Structure Your Business Properly and Reap The Benefits


A business structure defines the legal and organizational framework of a business. It determines how operations are conducted, tax obligations, the level of personal liability the owners face, and how profits and losses are shared. The choice of business structure impacts various aspects of the business, including legal liability, management and control, financing, and tax implications. Common types of business structures include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations (including S and C corporations).


How NHC Financial Services Can Help Set Up the Proper Business Structure

Determining the Best Structure for Tax Purposes:


An accountant can analyze the tax implications of different business structures to identify the most tax-efficient option. This includes evaluating how each structure affects income taxes, self-employment taxes, and potential eligibility for tax deductions and credits.

Assessing Financial Liability and Risk:


Accountants can provide insights into the financial liabilities associated with each type of business structure. They help in understanding the personal liability of business debts and obligations, which is crucial for protecting personal assets.

Planning for Future Growth:


Accountants can help forecast the future needs of the business, including potential financing, investment requirements, and growth opportunities. They can advise on which structure offers the flexibility and scalability needed for future expansion.

Compliance and Regulatory Advice:


They can guide the legal requirements, including registration, licenses, and permits, associated with each business structure. Accountants ensure that the business complies with local, state, and federal regulations, thereby avoiding penalties and legal issues.

Financial Organization and Record-Keeping:


Proper setup of financial systems and record-keeping practices is essential for any business structure. Accountants set up accounting systems that align with the specific requirements of the chosen structure, facilitating accurate financial reporting and analysis.

Assistance with Financial Planning and Budgeting:


Accountants play a vital role in financial planning and budgeting, helping businesses allocate resources efficiently and plan for profitability. This is influenced by the chosen business structure, as it affects funding options and profit distribution methods.

Guidance on Ownership and Investment Structures:


For structures involving multiple owners or investors, such as partnerships or corporations, accountants can advise on structuring ownership shares, profit sharing agreements, and investment strategies in a way that aligns with business goals and legal requirements.

Transition and Restructuring Support:


As businesses grow or change direction, their structure may need to evolve. Accountants provide support in transitioning to a new structure, ensuring that changes are made efficiently and in compliance with legal and tax requirements.

Your Company's Success Start With It's Structure, Call Us


The proper setup of a business structure is foundational to its success, impacting financial health, legal exposure, and operational efficiency. Accountants are critical in this process, offering the expertise needed to select and implement the most advantageous structure tailored to the business's unique circumstances and goals. Their role extends beyond initial setup, providing ongoing guidance as the business evolves and grows.